This is our 2024 Rider Guide - We will release a new, 2025 rider guide closer to the event!

Within this page you will find basically everything you need to know about this year's race, ancillary activities, the weekend's schedule, course details, etc.

Don't forget to check out this year's BONUS CONTENT taking place on Thursday, Friday and Sunday!

Course and Tire Talk


5:00 PM, Thursday, June 27 at Pacos Truckee.


Join us for a fun social gathering at Pacos Truckee on the Thursday before the race. We will hang out, and crack a cold one from Henhouse Brewing Company. All beer proceeds will go straight to support the great work that Truckee Trails is doing to open up and maintain the incredible outdoor access that Truckee is known for, and can tell us a bit about their projects.

We'll run through what the course looks like, and what you should be doing to prepare, answer any questions you might have about the race, and related logistics, and listen to the experts at Pacos offer their input on the best tire selection for the race on Saturday.

RSVP so we know you're coming.

Sponsored by Pacos Truckee, Henhouse Brewing, Truckee Trails.

Rider Check-In Expo


11:30 - 12:30 and 2:00 - 6:00 PM, Friday, June 28.
6:30 - 8:00 AM, Saturday, June 29.


Riverview Sports Park

12200 Joerger Dr, Truckee, CA 96161


Every competitor must check in to Truckee Gravel to collect your racer packet before lining up on Saturday morning. We provide three opportunities to do so. First, at our Friday Expo between 11:30 - 12:30, and again from 2 - 6 PM where you'll be able to connect with some of our partners before the race on Saturday. You'll also have a chance to check out the amazing Truckee Bike Park connected at the hip with Riverview Sports Park where Truckee Gravel starts and finishes. Finally, on Saturday morning before the ride.


Pacos Pre-Ride with Lachlan Morton


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, Friday, June 28.
ROUTE: Strava | GPX


Riverview Sports Park

12200 Joerger Dr, Truckee, CA 96161


Lachlan Morton will honor us with his presence at Truckee Gravel this year, and has been so kind as to join Pacos Truckee in leading our light-duty shakeout ride leaving from Riverview Sports Park at 10:00 AM on Friday, June 28. This casual group ride is FREE to join if you are registered for Truckee Gravel. We require that you sign a waiver beforehand.

Get your rider packet right after the ride!

RSVP so we know you're coming.

The Courses


Corresponding course arrow colors are indicated below. In order to stick to the route you are signed up for, please make sure to familiarize / memorize the color course arrow you are supposed to be following. As illustrated below, they are:‍



The long course truly showcases the best gravel riding that the Truckee region, and Tahoe National Forest has to offer around these parts. Sign Up!

1 TIME CUT @ Mile 17

17, 42, 61, 68, 80, 90



Our medium course features less climbing, and it is a great middle-of-the road option with some amazing dirt.

17, 25, 32, 45, 55



We can't quite call it a beginner gravel route. It features a higher percentage of pavement to gravel compared with the longer routes, but that makes it faster too. Get in and get out.


Time Cut


There is one official mandatory time cut on the Long race courseto ensure rider safety and protect our volunteer resources at aid stations from being overworked. Sometimes, a competitor has a bad day, and just can't make the cut. Other times, a competitor is in way over their head, and wouldn't be able to finish the course before the event is effectively over. For this reason, we have a time-cut in place.

The fastest times to the first aid station will approach a 22 MPH average speed. So don't be spooked by the mandatory speed listed below.

Long Time cut at Aid Station #1: Little Truckee River
Mile 17 - 9:15 AM

Any athlete arriving at this first aid station after 9:15 am represents an average speed of less than 15 miles per hour and puts you in danger of not making it through the course before support shuts down at the later stops. It is understandable that you may have suffered a mechanical and could catch up, but you will be advised that course support will not be guaranteed and you may be on your own. All athletes who have simply not been fast enough without any mechanical mishaps will be required to take the Medium course.

Read on to understand how this affects scoring on your respective courses.

Awards and Podium Presentation


Truckee Gravel will feature a podium presentation and awards for competitors across various race courses, age, and gender categories. Competitors will win one of our coveted hand-screen-printed posters, and a pile of prizes from our partners at Muc-Off, Orucase, Henhouse, Guayaki, and more.



Top 5 Men
Top 5 Women
Top 5 Nonbinary


Men U30
Men 60+
Men 50+
Men 40+
Men 30+

Women U30
Women 60+
Women 50+
Women 40+
Women 30+

Top 5 Nonbinary


Top 5 Men
Top 5 Women
Top 5 Nonbinary

Men U30
Men 60+
Men 50+
Men 40+
Men 30+

Women U30
Women 60+
Women 50+
Women 40+
Women 30+

* Unless noted, all age brackets are award the top 3 finishers of each category. For fields larger than 30 competitors in an age bracket, the podium will include the top 5 finishers.

Venue - Riverview Sports Park


An incredible venue for a bike race!

Riverview Sports Park is just outside of downtown Truckee on Joerger Drive. It is ground zero for the start and finish of Truckee Gravel and features one of the country's best bike parks where you can bring your kids, or your kid-game as an adult and roll everything from a progressive pump track to big hucks and landings. Click here to learn more about Truckee Bike Park.

Parking Information!

There's a section at the end of this guide with more information about parking for the event. But it's important to point out that on Saturday during the race participants can not park at Riverview! There simply isn't room, and a condition of our permit is to leave open parking spaces for the public to have access to the Truckee Bike Park and other fields that are not being used for our event.

You may park nearby though, and ride your bike a short distance to the entrance of Riverview.

Bike Wash by Muc-Off


Courtesy of the incredible staff at Muc-Off, you can get your bike professionally washed after racing Truckee Gravel FOR FREE!

Just swing by the Muc-Off booth where they'll be returning your bike to like-new condition before your very eyes. Muc-Off is an official sponsor of Truckee Gravel. Learn more about how their products can keep your bike looking tight, and shedding dirt all day long when you visit them at the Expo and Festival.

Aid Stations + Blow by Blow


Each of our three route options features "aid stations" where you will be able to refuel during your ride.

Our aid stations will be placed strategically throughout the courses. You can review where they are in the Courses section of this guide by scrubbing through the profile to see their locations.

What's at the aid stations?

Fluids & Food:
Water, electrolytes, and a variety of food to keep you going. Typical aid station food options include gels, sweets, potato chips, fig bars, bananas, mixed nuts, trail mix, M&M's, and at the very toughest-to-reach spots you can usually find some coke, and pickle juice.

Pump & Basic Mechanical Support:
People are perhaps the most important resource at any of our aid stations. When you're deep in the pain cave, they're there to help you get it straight and send you on your way. This includes mechanical support in case your bike is having issues, first-aid in case you got a boo-boo, and friendly faces in case you need some cheer.


Mile 0 - The Pack Start

We all leave Truckee together at the same time, at 8:00 am sharp. The first 7 Miles are paved, and the group will stay together for the most part. At mile 7, there will be a left-hand turn for those participating in the LONG and MEDIUM race courses that will be managed by CHP and traffic control personnel. But please be aware, and ride with extreme caution, as we will be sharing the road with motorists who can tend to get anxious and pass where they shouldn't. Always look twice!

Mile 7 - Dirt!

This is where the new stuff begins. Levi Leipheimer has spent the last few years combing his way through some of the best (and worst) roads imaginable in and around Truckee. Originally self-appointed as the Assistant to The Manager of Route Finding, he was recently promoted officially to Manager of Route Finding for good reason. The course he helped select for this year's event takes us into a completely new territory to the northwest of Truckee, California and it all starts here, at mile 7 where we leave Highway 89 and traverse through the mountains toward Yuba Pass.

Prepare for dust! Summer is in full fling now, and the moisture content is low. Expect the pack to kick up a substantial amount of dust at the beginning of the race.

#1: Mile 17 - Little Truckee River

This is the first aid station on the LONG and MEDIUM courses. It is also the location of the only time cut for the LONG course. Read more about that in the Time Cuts section of this guide.

#2: Mile 42 - Yuba Pass (LONG Only)

As soon as you pass the Yuba Pass aid station, you will descend a very fast and potentially dangerous paved section of Highway 49. Please exercise extreme caution here as some turns have loose granite sand in the corners and you can easily lose your grip and crash. As you approach Sierraville, there is no shoulder. Please do your absolute best to maintain a single-file on this stretch of paved road.

#3: Mile 61 (Mile 25 on the MEDIUM) - Lemon Canyon

Much relief!

#4: Mile 68 (Mile 32 on the LONG) - Smithneck (water only)

Ultimately we decided a full 20 miles could be a bit much between Lemon Canyon and Stampede if it's hot. This stop cuts the edge off, and lets you top off before the climb back to Stampede. It's also an important checkpoint for us to place scoring equipment that will verify course completion.

#5: Mile 81 (Mile 45 on the MEDIUM) - Stampede

Some relief comes after mile 81 after the Stampede aid station where the road turns from dirt to pavement and broken pavement for the next 10 miles as you gradually lose elevation, and pick up speed.

#6: Mile 90 (Mile 55 on the MEDIUM | Mile 14 on the SHORT) - Dog Valley

Last chance! Dog Valley is the only aid station on the SHORT where it sits at mile 14 on that course. It also provides service later in the day for those competing on the MEDIUM and LONG courses. You are just 12 miles to the end of the race at this location!

Mile 93 / 57 / 17 - Prosser Dam Road @ Mt. Roseview Dr.

CAUTION!!! -- As we make our way back into civilization there will be a left hand turn into a neighborhood on Mount Roseview Drive. Please be mindful that there is increased vehicle traffic, and that we're passing through a neighborhood with people who may be moving in and out of their driveways, basketball courts on the street, parked cars, etc -- this is one area where you need to pay very close attention and save any sketchy maneuvers you were thinking of performing until you're clear of this zone.

Mile 97 (Mile 60 on the MEDIUM | Mile 20 on the SHORT) - Glenshire Drive

DANGER!!! -- You've been racing your bike in the middle of Tahoe National Forest. Now you're back in civilization. Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than on Glenshire Drive where you need to make a left-hand turn onto a road where cars do not stop. We will have traffic control personnel on-site at this critical course juncture, but you MUST obey the stop sign before making a left hand turn so you don't ride out in front of a moving vehicle.

Mechanical Support

Our aid stations feature neutral mechanical support!

Each of our aid stations feature mechanics with tools and some basics in case you're having trouble. Thanks in large part to Pacos Truckee for providing staff assistance here. We couldn't do it without their involvement!

Pacos has what you need!

If you're in town, and have time to get to the store before the race, check out Pacos Truckee for all your equipment needs. Pacos is the official bike shop of Truckee Gravel!

Click here for the shop.

Bottle Feed

The fastest athletes can grab a bottle.

On the LONG course only, the top 25 men and top 25 women may take a pre-filled bottle at each of our aid stations. After that, we'll be out of bottles, and you will have to stop and fill yours, or get assistance from one of our volunteer support crew members.

The bottle hand-up is not intended for participants of the MEDIUM or SHORT courses.

They will be filled with plain water. If you need mix, you'll have to request it, and it might slow you down a bit, but it's available.

Race Scoring

We utilizes RFID technology for scoring.

Our scoring team uses the best-in-class RFID timing hardware, but it's not 100% fool-proof. Yea, we're talking to you. Let's make sure this is done right. Here is what you need to know about how to apply your timing tag to your bike so that our remote scoring equipment accurately captures you at various check/verification points.


APPLY ONLY AS DIRECTED! This is the most important piece of material we assign.

Your rider packet will include a seat post tag that includes a sensitive electronic sticker, better known as an RFID tag. It broadcasts a minuscule radio signal whenever it comes near our scoring equipment. But that signal can be blocked if the RFID tag is bent, folded, placed in your pocket, or otherwise applied in a manner other than directed here. Please take a good look at the following images which illustrate the proper way of attaching your seat post tag to your bike:

Preferred placement!

Beneath seat, vertical on seatpost.

Preferred Placement.

Beneath seat, vertical on seatpost.

Alternate Placement.

Seatstay, facing forward.

Alternate Placement.

Fork leg, facing forward.


Please pin this number to your jersey or back of your hydration pack so that it is visible at all times.

In order to identify competitors visually, we require you wear a visible number that is facing backwards. This number also has two tear-away tabs on it that serve as your post-race beverage and meal tickets respectively. We advise you leave these on until after your race is over so that you don't misplace them.

There is no handlebar number plate!

That's right, we've abandoned the necessity of applying a handlebar number plate to your bike.

The Right Bike

A Gravel Bike

Race Truckee Gravel on a gravel bike! That's our recommendation.

Tires, and Rotational Mass Debunked

This year's race course is very different from years prior, and average speeds are going to climb along with the fun factor. But don't let that give you the idea that smaller tires are a better choice. Tires have changed significantly over the last decade, and the fastest competitors of our time are all running bikes at big races with bigger tires for a smoother ride and better traction. The optimal bike choice in our opinion is going to be a gravel bike with 42mm or larger tires.

The rotational mass of a tire doesn't affect your ride like you might assume, and in fact being bounced all over the place because you have tire pressures like you'd find at the bottom of the ocean hurts more than it helps.

Pacos Course and Tire Talk

Want to learn more about the course, and the optimal tire selections? Join Thursday's Course and Tire Talk at Pacos!


Parking on Saturday

Please Park along Soaring Way near the Truckee Tahoe airport. Participant parking inside of Riverview Sports Park is not permitted on race-day.

Be sure to park completely off the road and make sure to follow any existing parking rules (check signage).

Again, there will be NO parking at Riverview Sports Park on Saturday.

Fun & Family Stuff


It happens at Riverview Sports Park! Never been? You're in for a treat. Not only does Riverview provide a beautiful setting for Truckee Gravel, it also features one of the country's coolest bike parks, baseball and soccer fields, access to the river, and proximity to the Legacy Trail and the Truckee Tahoe Airport.

The Truckee Bike Park

Ice Cream Truck

Super Swirl will be onsite from 11 am to 4 pm on June 29 serving up soft serve ice cream, frozen lemonade, and slushies.

Face painting

Local face painter Nessy will be at Riverview Sports Park from 1 - 4 pm.

Lawn Games and Fields of Fun

Truckee Tahoe Airport

Get your butt over to the Truckee Tahoe Airport for an incredible lunch at Red Truck, and watch some of the coolest plans roll in and out of the tarmac while the kids play in the adjacent playground. A bike path connects Riverview Sports Park to the airport and is just a short ride between the two.

The Beautiful Truckee River and the Legacy Trail

Riverview Sports Park boasts access to the Truckee River where you and the family can dip a toe and skip a rock in the cool, crystal clear babbling waters of this beautiful 120-mile-long river that ultimately terminates at Pyramid Lake where it evaporates rather than making its way to the sea. You can walk to the water's edge right from Riverview Sports Park, or take the Legacy Trail for a spin right into downtown Truckee.